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Sunday, February 7, 2016

Not in my plans...

A cancer diagnosis is not in anyone's plans. But it's a sharp reminder that, as much as I like to plan and "know" what's ahead on my calendar, "my times are in His hands."

I had a biopsy on Tuesday, after a mammogram and ultrasound. The positive diagnosis came on Thursday - #WorldCancerDay on Twitter (really?!) It's a mucinous invasive ductal carcinoma, which (according the johnshopkins website) accounts for less than 2% of breast cancers. As one friend told me, "It means you're special!" Nurse Soosie (good friend who is internet researching for me- thx!!) says that type is almost always a slow-growing cancer with a good prognosis that doesn't usually invade the lymph nodes.

Many, many people have recommended Dr. Nathalie Johnson but she's not covered by our insurance, so we're paying out-of-pocket for a consultation appointment with her on Thursday morning. Finding a surgeon is the next order of business, and besides talking with Dr. Johnson, I'm checking out the docs named by several wonderful friends.

I'll update as the journey continues.Thanks for your interest in this detour, and all your prayers and support. It means the world to me.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for setting this up. It will be a reminder to stay in touch and continue praying. Hope you enjoy this beautiful day.

    Brian B.
